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Welcome to the legendary porno torrent site (Trah Torrent) – this is one of the biggest and most popular porn sites on the net. Trahtorrent is an imageboard-style site where users upload content in all sorts of languages and art styles.
The first thing to know about Trahtorrent is that it is huge. The collection is so big that you might get scared the first time you see the site, like a virgin seeing a fucking big cock for the first time. But don’t worry, I’ll tell you how to get the most out of the Trahtorrent system.
It works a little differently than most other torrent sites. You won’t find broad categories like yaoi or loli here, rather, everything needs to be searched for. Luckily, all the entries here come with plenty of tags and descriptions so you can go crazy with your search.
If you don't know what you're looking for and just want to browse porn, things can get tricky.
The main page of has a "Most Popular" gallery, but that's a fatal flaw in the system. You see, supports pretty much every language in the goddamn universe, including the ones you can't read.
So if you want to read in English, be sure to search with "English" as your keyword. Like I said, that much fucking content means you have to be smart about it.
How much porn are we talking about exactly? Let me just say that soon the number of materials will reach half a million. If you jerked off everything on, your dick would resemble basturma at the end., like its sister site, are places where it can be hard to find porn sometimes, simply because they are so damn huge and try to serve a variety of things. Reminds me of a restaurant that has so damn much stuff on the menu that you don't know where to start.
So let's dig deeper and see what Trahtorrent has to offer. But I can already tell you that it's worth the candle.
Egghead Search Engine
When you first visit, you can feel the vibe of 4chan. It looks similar to 4chan's torrent listings and uses a similar color scheme.
The whole point of is efficiency over style. You won't find any fancy design here, it's all about bringing you the best porn as fast as possible.
Before you start searching, you'll need to scroll down and open the main gallery. You'll see thumbnails of popular works, but they won't be very well organized and they can be in any language.
This is a huge problem I had with this site. I kept clicking on crap I couldn't read. It's actually annoying to have to read the title to find your language, and sometimes the titles are so long you can't even see what language it is. doesn't make it any easier.
You'll see information like upload date, uploader name, and rating. All the good stuff here is submitted by other users, so don't be surprised if you see some really fucked up shit. You know what kind of people a place like this attracts?
In fact, most of the porn here comes with a huge warning that says something like "This shit is completely fucked up. Proceed at your own risk." Of course, that's the kind of shit that makes me take my dick out and jerk off like a retard.
I should also let you know that the ratings here are great. I mean, the motherfuckers who read are super serious about their porn, and there are plenty of readers whose ratings actually mean something. Unlike most other porn sites, you'll actually want to pay attention to the ratings here.
Okay, back to the main search bar. This is the center of the universe. You'll see a bunch of bars that will help you choose the category you want to search in.
Categories include doujinshi, manga, CG games, Asian, and a few more. Most of the shit you'll find here will be regular porn or a little kinky, but you'll also be surprised at how much Western porn there is.
In the search bar, you can search for languages, parodies, characters, types of porn, and more. uses a large tagging system that covers all kinds of shit.
The only thing is, loli seems to be banned here. Every time I searched for loli, I got zero results. Hmm...
You can use various filters on that you won't find elsewhere. First of all, has a ton of porn torrents. If you like using BitTorrent or want to find large files, you can search only through torrent galleries.
Another key feature is setting a minimum rating. When searching through tens of thousands of materials, you want to see only the cream of the crop. Distributions with a rating of 2 and below are usually crap. Well, unless your eyesight is fucking ruined.
I also want to highlight the lo-fi layout. If you go all the way to the bottom of the page, you should see a small link to the "Lo-Fi Version" on the right.
It turns the site into a big list of torrents with thumbnails. It has much less data, but it's a great way to find porn. If the main site is starting to give you a headache, try this layout. As they say, keep it simple, dumbass! has a ton of features
You'll also find links at the top. There's a torrent-only page, and then there's the various user features like Favorites and My Galleries.
You'll need to register to use these features. Registering also allows you to rate torrents, write comments, and post on the forum. Pretty standard stuff.
And speaking of community, has a huge and active forum. Mostly it's about discussions on how to improve the site, but you'll find some real life shit too. Surprisingly, there's not much porn sharing. It's more of a social outlet for degenerates.
What I like has a monstrously large collection. Considering the huge number of uploaders, is constantly getting fresh shit. If you can read multiple languages, this is a great way to brush up.
This site also has some great Western comics and porn. Porn sites are usually either good at hentai or Western porn, so having a site that's good at both saves a lot of effort.
I'll also talk about the tagging system. Tags almost always cover details like what the bitch is wearing, skin color, and what deviant acts they're going to go through. You also get a full list of parodies.
Also, the torrent section is godlike. A lot of the porn there has a surprising amount of seeders. If you're into torrents, check it out.
What I Hate
But there are downsides to having so much porn from all over the world.
The content is really random. Not just in terms of genres, but even in shit like language, art quality, art style, etc. It's not the best place to just browse.
I've already mentioned how annoying it is that there are doujins in about 54 languages. It basically forces you to use the search.
Honestly, there's a lot of e-hentai here!
Overall, is a porn library that's for nerds because it's not very accessible to the average person. I suspect most of you will go there, click on a download or two, realize that none of them are in English, and move on.
Rule 34 is also oddly limited for some reason. Maybe I just searched the wrong way, but even for popular franchises like One Piece, there's not a lot of doujins here. Not sure why, since hentai is user-submitted and Rule 34 is an incredibly popular porn genre. is also suffering from a bit of an identity crisis. There's a ton of random real porn here that just doesn't fit the bill. You'll also find a ton of non-porn content here, which also makes me scratch my head. We have DeviantArt for that kind of shit, don't we?
Again, I'm sure some of you super nerds will look down on me after this review. I can see that is a very flexible site with a great tagging system, so it's just a matter of knowing how to use it better. (often misspelled as "trah torrent net", "trah-torrent", "tra torrent") is also a fantastic source of torrents, whose popularity has sadly been declining year after year.
If you're looking for hentai in Spanish or Portuguese, definitely check it out. But for English and Japanese users, I think there are better places. I also recommend if you're looking for really specific shit, but I didn't find it as good for casual browsing.
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- регулярные обновления
- утилитарный макет
- высокофункциональная строка поиска, позволяющая быстро найти нужное порно.
- последние эпизоды
- разделы
- много порно
- активный сайт с кучей сидеров
- простой дизайн сайта, который не перегружен и не переполнен рекламой
- хорошо подобранная коллекция высококачественных порно торрентов для изучения
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- много известных порно брендов, производителей и сайтов
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